
Francesco Nigro
Red Hat

I've been working for many years in the computer field. In the last +10 years I've cultivated a strong passion in Java development and the under the hood details of OpenJDK, recently joined by C and (x86) ASM.

I've been a big fan of DDD (Domain Driven Design) world, and I've developed several Event-Sourcing high performance solutions in the medical and IoT field.

I'm an active member of various online communities on performance (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/mechanical-sympathy), Senior Principal (Software) Performance Engineer and Performance Lead for Red Hat on Quarkus and Vertx, Red Hat Top Inventor (2019), Java Champion.

I've collaborated to different projects related high-performance computing both as committer and contributors eg Quarkus, Vert-x, Netty committer, JCTools author, PMC of ActiveMQ Apache Artemis (Messaging Broker), HdrHistogram, JGroups-raft, ...

Benchmarketing fallacies: the 100 shades of truth
Conference (INTERMEDIATE level)
Room E

Wouldn’t it be nice if while searching on the Internet for the latest performance results of our beloved frameworks, we could trust whatever is written and call it a day?

In this session we’ll examine a few different poorly written benchmarks, dissecting and dismantling them down to the last bit, while also demonstrating few psychological tricks used to distract the user's focus from what’s actually important.

We will show you how to uncover the lies, damn lies behind articles and benchmark results, with skeptical pragmatism and methodologies borrowed from the performance engineering field and philosophy..

You should come away from this session with a better understanding of the tools to reveal the weak points of a benchmark or, conversely, to convince users of some new benchmarking lie 👿


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