
Ixchel Ruiz
Karakun AG

Ix-chel Ruiz has developed software application & tools since 2000. Her research interests include Java, dynamic languages, client-side technologies and testing. Java Champion, Oracle ACE pro, Testcontainers Community Champion, CDF Ambassador, Hackergarten enthusiast, Open Source advocate, public speaker and mentor.

What does it take to deploy to production with confidence?
Byte Size (BEGINNER level)
Room B1

How often do we question the wisdom of releasing to production on a Friday afternoon? Has the production software been tested thoroughly enough to identify vulnerabilities? If we do find security problems in production, what steps can we take to fix them? And how can we take preventative measures against potential problems or attacks? Recently, software supply chain security has become an increasingly important topic. Concepts such as SBOMs, SLSA, Reproducible Builds and CI/CD Security are often discussed to address previous concerns. This session will explore these concepts and provide guidance on how to apply them to your individual projects. We will focus on tools, guides, proposals from the OSSF Foundation, CNCF, OWASP and CDF

One size fits all! Not at all!
Conference (BEGINNER level)
Room C

A new understanding of disruptive change is just one of many lessons we have learned over the past five years. A hard one that has left us disoriented, but open to improvement. We live in an ever-changing world with IT challenges that are growing in both size and complexity.

Meeting these challenges and turning them into opportunities requires a creative, adaptable and effectively distributed team.

Understanding the underlying differences in diverse teams, such as differences in functional background, education or personality, can facilitate creativity or group problem solving - but only if a group process is well defined.

In this presentation we will explore the idea of group process and diversity beyond race/ethnicity, gender or age. What are the specific needs, requirements or strategies that need to be in place to create cohesive teams?

In this session I will present several books, studies, white papers and other materials to show how we can use and understand better team dynamics, personality and leadership structures.


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