
How to develop, run and optimize Spring Boot 3 application on AWS Lambda
Conference (INTERMEDIATE level)
Room B3
In this talk I will present and compare several options of how to run Spring Boot 3 application on AWS Lambda using:

AWS Serverless Java Container
AWS Lambda Web Adapter
Spring Cloud Function and
Custom Docker Image.

I'll also discuss strategies how to optimize cold start of such Lambda function with AWS Custom Lambda Runtime based on GraalVM Native Image and AWS own offering SnapStart based on Firecracker microVM snapshot and restore and CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint) runtime hooks. Moreover I'll present various (SnapStart) priming techniques to reduce the cold start even further. Is Spring Boot native support of CRaC also a potential optimization? I'll also discuss optimization strategies for the warm start/execution time of the Lambda function.
Vadym Kazulkin
Vadym Kazulkin is Head of Development at ip.labs GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of the FUJIFILM Group, based in Bonn. ip.labs is the world's leading white label e-commerce software imaging company. Vadym has been involved with the Java ecosystem for over twenty years. His focus and interests currently include the design and implementation of highly scalable and available applications, Serverless and AWS Cloud. Vadym is the co-organizer of the Java User Group Bonn meetup and AWS Community Builder in the Serverless category and a frequent speaker at various Meetups and conferences.